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The visuals do a great job at adding to the atmosphere of the game, definitely immersing the player. It plays in a very linear way, not giving much player choice as you're encouraged to click every single option to figure out the mystery. There is one risk in the game, but not a very satisfying one: the choice at the end. You have a choice to decide who is the killer and since I got this wrong, I failed and was brought back to the beginning. Since the game is quite lengthy, it'd be helpful if you could return to a checkpoint of sorts. 


I enjoy the use of both visual and textual evidence that can be collected, even some possible red herring clues too.  I was a bit lost trying to remember all the details, it would be cool if there was a way to keep notes on the side might be a cool addition.

More then enough information to remember.
Enough different details to both understand the situation but enough to not be too easy.

Most of the choices in the game are not risky at all. It is pretty much a linear story line. Loads of information is given - thickened texts and highlighted objects on their tables. The character of Angela is depicted very sneaky, it's not that difficult to pick a suspect from 3 of them. I didn't really know how it all worked but Angela just gives me a suspicious vibe - until you explained it all at the end. In general super impressive game, the images helped a lot through out the game play, and the story line makes perfect sense. Great work.